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July 23, 2024

The Ice Bucket Challenge - Vol. 2 Iss. 3

by Storm_the_beast

Controversial Multi-million diamond home finishes development

After the recent bankruptcy of Infinimart Inc, former CEO Storm_the_beast has been the center of controversy and attention for many, specifically how instead of using his vast, personal fortune to bring some relief to the many individuals and families who have suffered financially due to Infinimart's bankruptcy, Storm instead appeared to invest all that money into a brand new, multi-million diamond home.


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July 9, 2024

The Ice Bucket Challenge - Vol. 2 Iss. 2

by Storm_the_beast

Tadog under fire for allegedly PvPing with an underaged girl

Tadog21, known on the server as one of the admins and an alleged communist, is currently under fire for allegedly meeting up with an underaged girl to PvP. The situation was brought to light by Dusk, renowned capitalist and frog.


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July 5, 2024
Updated: July 8, 2024

The Ice Bucket Challenge - Vol. 2 Iss. 1

by Storm_the_beast

Infinimart pulls a Sears

As the final bell rung on the KASDAQ today, Kirkland stock markets are in turmoil. Retail giant Infinimart has officially declared bankruptcy today. This was no surprise to stock market experts, however. “Infinimart Corporation should have gone under a long time ago” says financial expert Jenny Tals, “Infinimart had trouble sourcing product to sell. This, along with its ridiculously low prices caused items to fly off the shelves as soon as they were stocked. Often shoppers would find most items out of stock, leading to a downfall in consumer trust.” Notably, Infinimart and all it’s subsidiaries shut down for company-wide reconstruction nine months ago, with no other news since.


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April 16, 2024

Grand Re-Opening of the Tadog Path & Railway System

by Tadog21

After almost 7 months, I am happy to announce that the Tadog Paths and Railway systems are finally completed and back to its former glory, and as a better version of itself. Feel free to start using the pathway, and read the last few paragraphs to learn about building along the pathways!

*NOTE:* Sorry about the length of this. It was intended to be a small article but then I felt extra inspired to add in extra details. Navigate this article by the section headers, otherwise scroll to the bottom for the TL; DR

To see this map in more detail, click on this image here, or in your browser visit:


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January 19, 2024

Tadog Daily Piper - No.15

by Tadog Daily Piper

Tadog Mercantile Gets a Remodel!

Nearly three months after the announcement made by Tadog21, the remodel on the Tadog Mercantile Shop has finally been completed! After a few weeks of preparing for the Tadog Mercantile remodel, the new architectural designs were drawn and approved, a major roadblock had hit the remodel project, and is what took the project so long to start, and even complete the build.


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October 11, 2023

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 14

by Tadog Daily Piper

Kirk & Kirk and Golden Carrot, Inc. Drug Empire Uncovered

After the publication of the Daily Piper article on the Octamall homeless, a lot of attention was brought to the camp. According to Kirk’s Gossip, the Octamall had soon announced a 12-step plan to remove the homeless. However, nearly one week has passed and no progress has been made. During an investigation by local homeless resident Fire_fairy, nearly 20 stacks of drugs were discovered. According to Fire_fairy, this was brought to the server police, however the police did not respond as they were blocked by the Octamall security guards, and did not possess a warrant. With the police out of the game, Fire_fairy knew only the Tadog Daily Piper would report on this story.


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October 7, 2023

Tadog Daily Poper - No. 13

by Tadog Daily Piper

Dusk Suspected as a Member of the Communist Party

In a special report brought to the Piper by our very own Ben Dover. Dusk, known on Minecraft formally as D_usk, is a beloved member of the Kirk55 community even contributing to the server as a helper, and has solved many crimes in his time of service. In recent weeks, however, Dusk has been seen, and reported of exhibiting behaviors and comments made by a typical communist.

For most of Dusk’s existence on the server, Dusk has not exhibited communist behavior. Dusk has indulged in many capitalist investments and adventures, including selling items, and even opening a casino in the Downtown. While Dusk did not appear communist, it appeared that he did not have a proper grasp of a capitalist system. On June 20, 2023, saying “I am not a communist, I believe in an absolute monarchy, that monarchy being me.”


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October 7, 2023
Updated: July 8, 2024

The Ice Bucket Challenge - Vol. 1 Iss. 2

by Storm_the_beast

Is Tadog a communist?

Recently, Tadog21 made claims in his paper, The Daily Piper, that one of the helpers on the server, Dusk, was a communist. However, independent investigation by a freelance reporter, Eileen Dover, reveals that Tadog may be projecting upon Dusk to hide his own communist beliefs.


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October 5, 2023

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 12

by Tadog Daily Piper

Octamall Gets Makeover, Ignoring the Growing Homeless Camp & The Truth Behind the Illegal Kirk & Kirk Pipeline

As reported on almost two years ago, the Downtown has been experiencing an influx of homeless people coming from almost all corners of the map. For many years, the downtown had been the main spawn for the server, and was the main location most people would hangout at. Overtime however, the Downtown became too crowded and laggy. A new spawn was built to accommodate the influx of players, as well as to help provide more direction for people who did not have their own home. This new spawn helped to alleviate much of the homeless population, and lifted them back to playing. Some of the homeless population, however, did not want help, and chose to continue their illegal camp outside the Octamall. Instead of addressing the growing visual eyesore and safety plaguing the Octamall, the owner had instead invested in a reconstruction project to bring back more business.


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October 4, 2023

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 11

by Tadog Daily Piper

The Server’s First Tropical Island Resort Grand Opening After Legal Delays

After nearly two years of work, design issues, legal issues, and environmental concerns, the Tadog Hospitality Company is proud to announce the grand opening of the Spawn Lake Island Resort. Located at around (120, - 40), this is the only naturally occurring island in Spawn Lake, and the whole Downtown area. It is an exclusive resort, with no land bridge connecting the island to the rest of the server. There is an underground tunnel however, and multiple railway tunnels.

Built by the Tadog Construction Company, this resort includes all of the modern and luxurious aspects of the highest standard. The resort includes multiple one-bedroom suites, a perfect location for any honeymoon getaway. If you’re on a family vacation, the resort also hosts a number of multi-bedroom units, perfect for the kids or any family gathering. With each suite having its own balcony and full-sized kitchen, you choose how to vacation! For guests who do not want to cook, the resort includes a rooftop restaurant and bar. For more luxurious amenities, the resort includes a few penthouse suites, for a large party, or your most expensive vacation! The resort also includes a massage clinic, a pool, and exclusive beach access!

(Before you go saying I’m a cheater, yes this was all built in survival)


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October 3, 2023

Tadog Daily Piper - No.10

by Tadog Daily Piper

Tadog Mercantile Gets a Makeover

The Tadog Corporation, the parent company of both the Tadog Mercantile and the Tadog Daily Paper, has recently approved a grant to the Tadog Mercantile. This was confirmed according to a public tax report sent out by the Tadog Corporation accountant, Ben Dover. Shortly after, design and construction documents were sent to the Aquaspawn Commissioner for approval, confirming that a new remodel project on the Tadog Mercantile was planned. As to the writing of this article, the Remodel is Planned to start sometime this week.

“A remodel and redesign of the Tadog Mercantile has been long overdue.” Explained Mike Hock, an economic analyst for the Tadog Daily Piper. “Shop profits and sales have been in a slow decline over the past months as the economic landscape of the server changes.”


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June 19, 2023

Protect your Builds from being Deleted in the Future

by Octapoo

In the future, we will delete unused terrain from the server and regenerate it, so that we can have modern Minecraft 1.20 terrain, instead of having old Minecraft 1.17 terrain forever.

To protect your builds you must do one of the following:

• Claim the land that you've built upon. All claimed land will be preserved.

• Use the request helper to create a line of text that you can then post in #preservation-requests in the Discord server.

Continue reading to learn about the preview server, preservation maps, and how to use them to verify that your builds will be preserved.


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May 10, 2023

How to Link Your Nether Portals Together

by Tadog21

It happens to all of us. Maybe we build a new house, move to a new place, or expanding. We all want easy access to the nether, so we build a nether portal at our house or nearby. We go through the portal, everything looks fine. But when we go back into the portal, we are somewhere completely random! Before you are quick to judge: no, this is not a trap someone set, this is not a glitch, and it is fixable!

The simple answer: You need to build your own nether portal in the nether and link up your coordinates. The best way to do this is divide your coordinates by 8, then build your portal there. If you are not very mathematically inclined, or still do not understand what that means, then read on to find out! Feel free to just skim this and reference as needed.


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January 31, 2023

New Addition to the Tadog Family of Shops!

by Tadog21

This article is to announce the grand opening of the Tadog Shopping District Center! This is a new hub for anything Tadog related, as well as the Shopping District. This is a public place to check out forgotten shops, check out displays, and find out more information about the Shopping district! This is also a place you can meet people at, or hangout too! Although, the Tadog Holiday House will be a more exciting place to do so.

Continue onto the rest of the article to find out more information, but also please read on about the shopkeepers inside, since they will not be used as normal shopkeepers


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January 10, 2023

How to Use Coordinates in Minecraft

by Tadog21

Having trouble understanding how coordinates work? Then you have come to the right place!

Coordinates are the very foundation of what we use In Minecraft. They are very useful, helpful, and can solve many problems if they are used right. Have you found yourself asking:

What do the three numbers mean in for Coordinates?

How do I find where these coordinates are in-game?

Someone sent me only 2 Coordinate numbers, why?

I died and I can’t find my grave!

If you are finding yourself with these questions, and cannot find an answer. Or you want to know more about coordinates, or how to use them better, Read on! I know this tutorial might seem long, but if you stick to it, it will be pretty fast, and be sure to read the Headers, as you may not need help with certain concepts. But regardless, I will be covering all concepts.

If you are still having trouble with coordinates after reading this tutorial, scroll down to the bottom for a quiz!

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June 11, 2022

We Have Blue Axolotls

by Octapoo

The server now has blue axolotls!

As you may know, once one exists, it isn't hard to get more through breeding. So now anyone who wants one can have one.

Continue reading if you'd like to learn how the first blue axolotl came to exist.


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May 25, 2022

State of the Server End of May 2022

by CaptainKirk55

In this post will be updates that have rolled out recently that I'd like to make a blog post about.

1.19 Info:

1.19 pre-releases are coming out. 1.19 will be out soon. The server will take a week or two (most likely) to update to 1.19. We will do our best to update it ASAP but the only things in our power are the custom plugins we have on the server. Other important plugins and the server software will take time. Your patience is appreciated. I'll keep everyone updated as I know a more clear roadmap, but it would be awesome if everyone could just read this so I don't get asked the same question about the update 20 times a day. I am excited to play it too.

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April 30, 2022

Tadog Shopping District

by Tadog21

The downtown area is one of the most desirable places on the server to not just build, but to have a shop. While teleporters can bring good publicity to a shop, a physical location for everyone to congregate to is just as important, which is what makes the Octamall popular. Besides the shops at the Octamall, the highest congregation of shops can be found in the Tadog Shopping District. Located just west of the Downtown Teleport and right behind Tadog Mercantile.

Below is a map of this region. While the sights may change overtime from this map, the boundaries themselves will remain very similar

Continue on to read more about how to get a plot at the Tadog Shopping District, why it was created, and more!


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April 10, 2022

Egg Hunt 2022 Live Now

by CaptainKirk55


The 2022 Egg Hunt is ongoing now! Scattered around the entire map are thousands of eggs to be collected. There are many prizes to be had, such as diamonds, netherite, and claim blocks.

This event will end April 18th, 2022 at Noon PDT. Type /leaderboard in game to see who's on top and how you match up.


April 7, 2022
Updated: July 8, 2024

The Ice Bucket Challenge - Vol. 1 Iss. 1

by Storm_the_beast

Is the Kirk Server government corrupt?

After the recent illegal dumping by the Kirk & Kirk corporation, owned by CaptainKirk55, some have speculated that the server government is corrupt. Our very own Joe Mama has discovered that Tadog21, a member of the server government and writer and owner of the server’s main paper, the “Tadog Daily Piper”, has joined in on the corruption.

As shown above, the server is in disarray after server-wide corruption.


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April 1, 2022

Announcing NFTs -- State of the Server April 2022

by CaptainKirk55

Recently the server has hit a few hiccups that require more expensive hardware. This is outside of what I can afford. It comes with a heavy heart that donations will now be required to play on the server through the form of NFTs.

I will give a grace period to get everyone's NFTs purchased, so for now you can all keep playing for free. But if you do not own an official CaptainKirk55 NFT by April 31st 2022 you will not be able to connect to the server.

More details, an official statement, and the NFTs for purchase can be found at

Thank you all for your continued support through this troubling time. I look forward to your money in my pocket. (I will not be sharing with Tadog and Octapoo, they have been released)

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March 28, 2022

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 9

by Tadog Daily Piper

Kirk & Kirk Strikes Again – Illegal Dumping

In an anonymous tip given to the Tadog Daily Piper has led to a shocking discovery. These photos attached to this article reveal the truth behind the so called “Green Goal” of the Kirk & Kirk Corporation. Seen in the image here is a real-time photo of illegal dumping of the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine distribution and manufacturing center within the Octamall. As the homeless problem around the Octamall continues to get worse, the introduction of illegal dumping just ices the cake, says the public health commissioner for the Downtown area.


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March 4, 2022

1.18.2 Update

by CaptainKirk55

1.18.2 is now on the server! With this you'll need to update your mods to the proper versions.

Fabric Installer (You do not need to redownload this if you already have it on your computer. Just run it again and install Fabric 1.18.2)

Fabric API 0.47.9+1.18.2

Simple Voice Chat 1.18.2-2.2.26

If you need help installing you can watch this video or message the discord in #minecraft and someone will help you. Mods in #other-nice-mods (Optifine specifically) are outdated and will not work with 1.18.2.

If you find any issues with the update or anything at all shoot a message there so one of the admins or I can figure it out ASAP!!!

Thanks all for playing 😀 I really appreciate all of you. I look forward to working on the server and am always overjoyed to see people playing on it. 💜💜💜 I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks-ish, and then after that I have finals. I'll still be mildly responsive but delays might be longer than normal. You're all also living busy lives so I'm not too worried about it.

Finally, I have made a few changes. They aren't huge things so read on if you care.


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February 21, 2022


by CaptainKirk55



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February 4, 2022

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 8

by Tadog Daily Piper

The Great IOU Depression

As 2022 rolls around, the Downtown shops continue to prepare for the ever-increasing ride of shoppers. With no formal server currency, off-brand currencies and currency exchanges continually change. A scary reality has been revealed to us. In recent reports on Currency Exchange provided by the Tadog Census Bureau, the accepted value of the IOU is on a sharp rise, and seems to have no plans of regaining economic stability.


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November 15, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 7

by Tadog Daily Piper

The Log Bridge at the Downtown: History or a Nuisance?

If you go to the downtown “Aquaspawn”, you will find a bridge leading in each of the 4 polar coordinates to land, where you can see and explore all the downtown has to offer. If you go down the east bridge, however, you will find the bridge has been split with only a 1 block wide jungle log bridge spanning the break with no railing whatsoever. Why is this log bridge even here? Looking back through the history of the early server, the bridge was built to temporarily span a gap created by an illegal water structure that had been removed. The bridge had been planned to be replaced, but some people today see this bridge as sentimental, and has been there ever since. While these records prove to be true, can this same narrative still be applied today with the same affect?

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November 9, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 6

by Tadog Daily Piper

Homeless Epidemic Only Gets Worse at the Downtown

Over the past few months, it has been hard to ignore the growing problem plaguing the downtown.

Appearing out of nowhere, homeless encampments have been appearing in the downtown everywhere, even at the most pristine shopping centers. As seen in the picture to the right, the largest of the homeless encampments sits on the southeast corner of the Octamall, which is blocking one of the staircases to the main entrance, and is an eyesore to the luxury resort which has halted construction due to design issues. There is even an encampment in front of the historic Spawn Tree, preventing the public from enjoying this historic landmark.


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May 18, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 5

by Tadog Daily Piper

Tadog21’s Secret life: Possible condemnation?

In a special report brought to us by our very own Ben Dover, Tadog21 has decided to let the public in on the biggest secret of his life, and is hoping to get help.

In a surprise visit by the Octa Commissioner of Safety to inspect the cobblestone farm, the living conditions of the mansion of Tadog21 were revealed. These pictures taken by the Ur Mom Village public safety commissioner show the true extent of Tadog21’s hoarding problem. While the mansion proves to not be a biohazard, an extreme fire hazard has been reported due to the wood structure of the mansion, and the hoard does not help that risk factor.


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May 16, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 4

by Tadog Daily Piper

Remains of slain Bigpapa777777777 and Kevin432 discovered in Kirk & Kirk vaccine facility


In our continuous coverage of the Kirk & Kirk Corporation scandal, the bodies of slain Bigpapa777777777 and Kevin432 have finally been found. In an undercover investigation done by the Tadog Daily Piper, the ashes of the two slain Kirk & Kirk vaccine users have been found. It is believed the bodies were burned to prevent an autopsy of the bodies, which could have placed responsibility on the Kirk & Kirk corporation.


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May 16, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 3

by Tadog Daily Piper

Patient Dies During Injection of Kirk & Kirk Vaccine

Today, we bring you a sad story of truth and misinformation. Earlier today, Bigpapa777777777 had died during his injection of the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine. Seen in this image to the left are the remains of Bigpapa777777777

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May 16, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 2

by Tadog Daily Piper

Kirk & Kirk Vaccine as addictive as Heroin?

As our investigation into the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine continues, our own Mike Hawk brings us an even more troubling story.

In our undercover investigation into the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine and corporation, strange activity has been reported between vaccine user Kevin432 and CEO Captiankirk55, it seems that Kevin432 desperately wants another dose, despite being in extreme pain and being extremely ill. “I want to go and get another one” says Kevin432, “give me moreeeeeeeee” Kevin432 screamed causing a scene at the vaccine station in the Octamall.


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May 16, 2021

Tadog Daily Piper - No. 1

by Tadog Daily Piper

Kirk & Kirk Vaccine More Dangerous Than You Think

Earlier today, the first patient to receive the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine, Kevin432, has turned green with no seeming cure. “I feel sike” and “Im throwing up” says Kevin432 after taking the Kirk & Kirk vaccine.

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