


Tadog Daily Piper - No. 2

by Tadog Daily Piper

Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 14:00:00 PDT

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Kirk & Kirk Vaccine as addictive as Heroin?

As our investigation into the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine continues, our own Mike Hawk brings us an even more troubling story.

In our undercover investigation into the Kirk & Kirk Vaccine and corporation, strange activity has been reported between vaccine user Kevin432 and CEO Captiankirk55, it seems that Kevin432 desperately wants another dose, despite being in extreme pain and being extremely ill. “I want to go and get another one” says Kevin432, “give me moreeeeeeeee” Kevin432 screamed causing a scene at the vaccine station in the Octamall.

Captainkirk55 was admitted to the addictiveness of his vaccine “im sorry a side effect of my vaccine is delirious addiction.” As the case numbers for cities like the Downtown and Ur Mom Village continue to rise, demands for the Kirk & Kirk vaccine rise. In an undercover photo taken by one of our reporters, seen here is Kevin432 giving money to Captainkirk55. Since Kirk has admitted to his vaccine being addictive, what we may be seeing here is a bribe. Captiankirk55 is not allowed to give more than one dose according to the OctaChairman of public health. This report comes at a staggering conclusion that the Kirk & Kirk corporation has created an addictive drug similar to heroin, and is using the cover as a vaccine to get people addicted.


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