Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 16:00:00 PDT
In our continuous coverage of the Kirk & Kirk Corporation scandal, the bodies of slain Bigpapa777777777 and Kevin432 have finally been found. In an undercover investigation done by the Tadog Daily Piper, the ashes of the two slain Kirk & Kirk vaccine users have been found. It is believed the bodies were burned to prevent an autopsy of the bodies, which could have placed responsibility on the Kirk & Kirk corporation.
As popularity for the corporation continues to decline, Captiankirk55 was quoted as saying “I will get you guys vaccinated…one day!!” Suggesting that Captiankirk55 plans to inject those who are against the vaccine with his heroin-like drug to get them addicted to the vaccine, so they will come back and pay him money to illegally receive more doses.
The family of Kevin432 has joined the family of Bigpapa777777777 in suing the Kirk & Kirk corporation for negligence. Represented by Octa & Associates, both these families now plan to sue for 12 stacks of acacia wood, the wool farm, 832 IOUs and possibly the forgiveness of Kevin 432’s diamond debt. All of this is estimated to be equivalent of over 2,000 IOUs
As this story of political corruption, cooperate schemes, and cover up we bring you the latest on the Kirk & Kirk corporation scandals.